Air Vehicle Engines
There are aircraft engines for private and commercial aviation. Accordingly, you have the choice from the 2-stroke to the electronically controlled 4-stroke engine. You will certainly find the suitable equipment. We are also happy to advise which engine is the correct one for you.
- Sports aircraft
- Experimental aircraft
- UL aircraft
- Unmanned aircraft

HQ Cryocooler
Stirling crycoolers and Joule-Thomson crycoolers are used in various fields of industry and surveillance applications.
- Cryocooler for Survelıance And Reconnaıssance
- Border Control
- Defense Systems
- Gas Leakage Detectıon
- Hand Held Nıght Vision Camera

Our company can perform cradle to grave manufacturing of high explosive formulations, melt-pour, demolition products for the Defense and Aerospace and commercial markets.
- Bulk Explossives
- Fabricated Explosives (Breaching Systems, Demolition Charges, Melt Pour Charges, Pelletized Explosives)

Our company is a diverse chemical company specializing in manufacture and distribution of chemical products for the Aerospace, International Military, Chemical industries.
- Zirconiums (Metal/Nickel Powder)
- Powders (Aliminum, Cobalt, Magnesium, Tungsten, Zirconium-Nickel etc)
- Cromates (Barium, Calcium)
- Sodium (Bicarbonate, Tripolyphosphate)

Our company has been providing quality ammunition products for sports shooters, hunters, law enforcement, government and military since 1968.
- Magnum
- Winchester
- Lugar
- Sig

Our company is a quality awarded company certified to AS 9100; today delivering on time, full load, assemble, and pack services, ordnance manufacturing, warheads, grenades, ammunition, demolition products and ordnance design, testing and general “work for others” manufacturing services.
- Explosive Loading
- Warhead Development and Production

Ammo Links
Our companys goal is to continually be the world’s #1 machine gun link, ammo clip, and other ammunition component manufacturer that ammunition suppliers rely upon. Capabilities include, but are not limited to, metal stamping, wire forming, welding (tig, mig and sonic), assembly, heat-treating and a wide variety of metal finishing.

Our Partner’s Factories is the largest defence industrial complex under the Ministry of Defence Production, producing conventional arms & ammo to international standards.
- Infantry Weapons
- Ammunition (Small Arm, Artillery)
- Mortar Bombs
- Aircraft Ammunition
- Grenades
- Military/Commercial Explosives, Propellants
- Rockets